
Alaska Crafter

A blog from the Great North about Craft and Design

Family and Fish!

Cap'n holds up his the first fish of the day
Cap'n is from around Detroit (yeah, like the Red Wings shirt didn't give it away) and once a year his folks roll into town and we take a little time to play Alaskan-style.  Finally, this year the sun came out for our fishing expedition and we actually caught TONS of fish!!  Nevermind that they were mostly Pinks (a little less desirable in the rankings of salmon species) so my dad was a little iffy on keeping them.
But we caught several Cohos too, so no problem!
Capn's mom caught all the big ones.
Then of course Pop's had to clean them all for us- haha, that is a skill I probably should have picked up long ago.
Cap'n had a good time. 
The Seagulls were also on the lookout for scraps.  I can't wait 'till next year now! Thanks for visiting!